Zapewne cześć z Was również otrzymała wczoraj niusa od twórców i organizatorów Impossible Polaroid Project…
Tylko więc kopiuje treść, bo warto to rozgłaszać gdzie się da!
Myślałem skrycie, że panom się nie uda, a wygląda na to, że się udaje i to bardzo dobrze.
Marka pozostaje na rynku i w dodatku Impossible Project dogadało się ze spadkobiercą Polaroida firmą Summit Global Group – co do produkcji u nich materiałów. W połowie 2010 roku już pierwsze, stare-nowe materiały.
Oto breaking news:
Dear Supporter of The Impossible Project,
the pleasure is all ours to herewith inform you about the latest and likewise groundbreaking news regarding our quest to keep Instant Photography alive by re-inventing a new analog integral film for vintage Polaroid cameras.
Already holding the first working hand-coated samples in our trembling hands, we are pleased to herewith announce an epoch making cooperation between Polaroid (who can no longer resist the stir we are making) and The Impossible Project:
The new licensee of the Polaroid Brand – The Summit Global Group – will re-launch the legendary Polaroid One Step Camera and is therefore commissioning The Impossible Project to develop and produce a limited edition of Polaroid branded Instant Films in the middle of 2010.
We are proud and excited that our ambitions and all the relentless work we have already invested are now becoming the foundation for Polaroid’s comeback as a producer of Instant Cameras.
Large-scale production and worldwide sale of The Impossible Project’s new integral film materials under its own brand will already start in the beginning of 2010 – with a brand new and astonishing black and white Instant Film and the first colour films to follow in the course of the year.
At this point we would like to thank every single one of your for all your overwhelming support so far- THANK YOU! It’s fair to say that we wouldn’t be where we are now if it was not for all your help.
For further developments, upcoming news and detailed updates please stay tuned to
w czsie spotkania z wielkim fotografem piszsesz posta. Bardzo nieładnie.