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Jak sędziowano w POYi….


Oto relacja Brad’a Mangin, zaproszonego w tym roku do uczestnictwa w jury . Dla niewtajemniczonych podam jedynie, że jest to doskonały fotograf sportowy. Materiał opublikowana w moim ulubionym serwisie dotyczącym zdjęć sportowych


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Needless to say we all had different opinions as we looked at 18,000 pictures over the six days of judging. This was both educational and frustrating as Hell. This is also how life is everywhere in our business- from the classroom to the newsroom. However, it is during the judging of a contest like POYi that such different opinions can be fun, frustrating and scary as our decisions will quickly leak outside of Gannett Hall and make people happy and sad. Our decisions will help photographers get raises and new jobs. Our decisions might keep photographers from getting laid off.” Brad Mangin

fotopropaganda blog o dobrej fotografii